Ready to submit your application?

Please gather the relevant supporting documents and proceed with the online application. You can always start the online application, and resume it at any time within 30 days. If you need help through this process, please call us on (07) 3353 1266.

Checklist - Compulsory Supporting Documents

  • Pastor's Reference (form below) - one per family. A compulsory part of the application from a Pastor/Minister in the family’s church confirming that at least one parent is a practising Christian and that the parent(s) and children attend church on a regular and consistent basis.
  • Copy of the Birth Certificate and/or Passport
  • Copy of the Australian Citizenship Certificate (if applicable)
  • Copy of any relevant Visa Grants
  • Copy of 2 most current Academic Reports (excluding Prep applications)
  • Copy of NAPLAN reports (if applicable)
  • Copy of any medical or specialist reports or plans (if applicable)
  • Court orders (if applicable)
When is the best time to apply

Application for enrolment can be made once a child has been born and necessary proof of identity documents can be provided.

The College intake years are Prep and Year 7; however, we accept applications for all grades throughout the year.

At Northside Christian College interviews take place approximately 12-18 months prior (depending on a year level) to the commencement, therefore we encourage you to submit your application at your earliest convenience as vacancies fill fast. 

Online Application

Please complete the online application for each child applying to the College and provide the supporting document checklist (above). 

Once an application has been completed, all supporting documents have been submitted, and the non-refundable $50 application fee is paid, the application will be classed as complete. The application would then officially enter the waiting pool for the relevant entry point. 

Unfortunately, without all of the above-mentioned documentation, an application would remain incomplete and unable to proceed any further.

Pastor/Minister's Reference

Northside Christian College was established by Nexus Church in 1985 to provide an education of high academic standards that is based on an acceptance of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Bible as the revealed Word of God. 

At Northside, we believe that school, home and church are partners in the education of children. By partnering with families who have the same values and beliefs we teach at school and the child receives at church, we believe we raise students who are confident in their abilities, their purpose, and their identity in Christ. 

Whilst everyone is welcome to apply, the Pastor’s Reference forms part of the compulsory documentation needed to support the enrolment application. 

For an application to be considered, a Pastor’s/Minister’s Reference must be completed from the church that your family attends on a regular and consistent basis.

Download Pastor/Minister's Reference (PDF)

Filling out the Reference

The Reference Form is to be completed by the applicant's Pastor/Minister. 

  1. Download the Pastor/Minister's Reference
  2. Save the PDF form on your computer
  3. Email the PDF form to your Pastor/Minister to be completed, saved and sent directly to
Additional Information and Testing

The College gathers additional information, requires testing, and conducts interviews to create a student profile. This helps us understand the student's skills and abilities and to ascertain whether he/she is able to thrive within Northside Christian College’s culture and program offerings.

The College reserves the right to destroy the applicant’s information if it remains incomplete for an extended period of time, or where there is no ongoing communication.

Waiting Pool

All completed applications enter the relevant year-level waiting pool for the year of entry.

Starting immediately

Based on availability, if you are applying for an immediate start, your application will be presented to the Enrolment Panel for review. 

Starting in future years

Alternatively, should you be applying for future years, your application will be reviewed accordingly:

  • Prep - Approximately 12 months prior to the year for which entry is sought
  • Years 1 to 6 - Approximately 6 months prior to the year for which entry is sought, based on availability
  • Year 7 - Approximately 12 months prior to the year for which entry is sought, based on availability
  • Years 8 to 12 - Approximately 9 months prior to the year for which entry is sought, based on availability
Selection Criteria

Northside Christian College is a selective entry College. 

An application being placed in the waiting pool does not guarantee an interview or an offer of a place.

An offer of a position will depend upon the following:

  • A fully completed enrolment application, with all the supporting documentation
  • The availability of a suitable place in the College
  • The application being approved by the Enrolment Panel and, if so
  • A successful interview with the Enrolment Panel


There are a number of factors which assist us in making an assessment of each application.

Considerations include but are not limited to:

  • Sibling of an existing family
  • Current families in good financial standing with the College
  • Children of College Staff 
  • Nexus Church families
  • Children of Northside Alumni 
  • Sufficient English language proficiency 
  • School readiness as determined by the College
  • Cohort gender balance

Based on the availability of a place, parents and the student may be invited to an interview with the Enrolment Panel.

Should an offer of a place be made, a Letter of Offer will be sent electronically to the primary guardian as per the application.

Accepting an Offer

Enrolment will be confirmed upon receipt of a signed Student Enrolment Contract accepting the Terms and Conditions, and the payment of a $200 non-refundable Confirmation Fee.

Starting at Northside Christian College


Close to the date of your child(ren)’s commencement you will receive a comprehensive Information Pack regarding a variety of topics such as uniforms, book lists, instrumental lessons, bus information and fees.

Depending on the year level of entry, your child may also receive an invitation to an orientation event.

Enrolled families receive monthly copies of the College e-Newsletter. This publication will give you an insight into the many activities and opportunities available at Northside. You may also receive invitations to attend various events.

When to Start School Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a Pastor/Minister's reference required?

Northside Christian College was established by Nexus Church in 1985 to provide an education of high academic standards that is based on an acceptance of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Bible as the revealed word of God. 

At Northside, we believe that school, home and church are partners in the education of children. By partnering with families who have the same values and beliefs we teach at school and the child receives at church, we believe we raise students who are confident in their abilities, their purpose, and their identity in Christ. 

Whilst everyone is welcome to apply, the Pastor’s Reference forms part of compulsory documentation needed to support the enrolment application. For an application to be considered, a Pastor’s / Minister’s Reference must be completed from the church that the family regularly attend (3-4 services a month, for a minimum period of 6 to 12 months). 

This reference is required by every family who applies at the College. Unfortunately, without this, the application is considered incomplete and cannot proceed to the next step in the application process. 

Do I get an automatic enrollment into Northside Christian College if my child is enrolled in Next Steps Kindy?

Entry to Northside Christian College has an independent application process. Please see the application process and criteria.

Does the child have to be dedicated, baptised, or christened in the church?

Northside is a Christian school for Christian families, with approximately 100 churches represented by the student body. Consequently, we respect the differences between various Christian denominations around such matters as infant, child, or adult dedications, baptisms, confirmations or christenings; yet also require our families to respect, accept and encourage your children to participate in the Christian education and practices of the College.

Are students required to be immunised to attend Northside?

Northside Christian College recognises the decision to immunise your child is a personal one. We recommend parents speak with their general practitioner and review the Queensland Government’s publications on the benefits of immunisation.

Does Northside Christian College accept International Students?

Yes - please contact our Enrolments Officer or see our International Students page.

Does Northside Christian College provide transport for Students?

Yes - we have our own modern fleet of buses that provide a service to most surrounding suburbs. Please see our Services page.

Does Northside Christian College accept single parents?

Yes, we welcome families of single parents, and even have situations where grand-parents or other sole guardians of children come to Northside seeking a great Christian educational experience for their children.

How do you define "A Christian"

At Northside Christian College, we believe that a Christian is a person who has made Jesus Christ both Saviour and Lord of his/her life. That is, a Christian is a person who:

  • believes that Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, died and rose again
  • has recognised his/her sinful condition
  • has received forgiveness of his/her sins through faith in Jesus Christ and
  • seeks to live his/her life in obedience to God’s Word.

Christianity is, in essence, an ongoing relationship with God – not just a Sunday morning event, but a way of life.

Other questions

Email us at or call on +61 7 3353 1266 between 8:30am and 4pm Monday to Friday.