
Student Leadership
In Junior School, we place importance on intentionally raising future leaders. We aim to equip the older students by training and providing positive opportunities for service.

Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker Lorin Nicholson addressed many of our Year 5 and 6 students last week. He exemplified over-coming challenges while sharing inspirational insight and empowering students with the vision to succeed.  

Bridge Builder Peer Mediators
Twenty-two Year 5 students were trained on Thursday and Friday of Week 1 to be Bridge Builder Peer Mediators (pictures below). During breaks, mediators guide younger students to build interpersonal skills and solve conflict in a positive way.

In Term 3, Year 6 students run a variety of lunchtime activities for younger grades: games on the oval, reading in the library or buddies during eating time. The PALS program provides our oldest students with the opportunity to serve our community while developing important leadership and organisational skills.