
Junior School aide Sue Norford shares an inspiring story:

Letter from Luke Brooks to Northside Christian College studentLast year when Noah was in Year Four, I had the privilege to work with him in a small group of students. During these times, he regularly impressed me with his passion for many sports, but especially for NRL.

He was able to recall details about the games and explain on-field strategies of plays and positions. He would often surprise me with his 'no fear' attitude regarding the physical nature of the game. We have a no-tackle policy here at school, but I have always pondered the importance of boys being engaged in supervised risk-taking activities. I see special value in such activities led by older, experienced men - mentors, guardians of manhood, elders.

Favourite players frequently appeared in Noah's stories, particularly West Tigers halfback, Luke BrooksLuke Brooks writes to Northside Christian College student. Noah's enthusiasm inspired me think about the importance of nurturing children's passions and how sometimes we adults can find little ways to help that happen...

I decided I would send a quick email to Luke and see if he might connect with Noah. Perhaps a word from Noah's hero would further inspire him to aim high for achievement.

Well, we were all so delighted when Luke replied to Noah with an inspiring letter and a signed photo. He encouraged Noah to set goals and persevere, persist and be patient so that he might overcome all obstacles and achieve his dreams. He also shared a few childhood stories about how he broke into football, as well as what he's hoping to achieve this season. Needless to say, Noah was excited!

I really appreciate the men and women in public life who make time to encourage people, even people they don't know. It's those little things that are easy to do — and easy not to do — that can make a difference for someone else.