
In the final week of Term 1, the Year 10 students headed to beautiful Mt Barney Lodge, situated in the picturesque Scenic Rim, for an unforgettable three nights of hiking, camping and climbing. The students tackled a number of different hikes, each one with its challenges, and came back weary but with an unmistakable sense of achievement. This camp invites students to step out of their comfort zone while learning new skills and helping each other, all in the great outdoors. As one student put it;

 "Camp was an amazing experience with all of the girls. It seems like we have bonded in so many ways which would have never happened at school. Spending time in nature highlighted the beauty of God's creation. The camp was like a roller coaster full of lows and highs literally!! Reaching the top of Mt Barney was the most rewarding activity of the entire camp."